Wax : we are the X

Wax : we are the X

Original title: Wax : we are the X
Production: Vengeance
Country: Italy
Director: Lorenzo Corvino
Script: Lorenzo Corvino
Photography: Caterina Colombo; Corrado Serri
Music: Valeria Vaglio
Cast: Gwendolyn Gourvenec; Davide Paganini; Jacopo Maria Bicocchi; Rutger Hauer; Jean-Marc Barr
Year: 2015
Duration: 103
Genre: Adventure
Color: Color
Original language: Italian
Languages available: Italian
Subtitles: English
Keywords: Road movie


A troupe of reporters is given a video by a mysterious someone. The video is the proof left by three thirty-something, two men and a woman, of a road trip on the French Riviera, the chronicle of a week to complete an assignment before they are involved in an accident. The three share the destiny of a doomed generation.

Co-production between Italy, France, Monaco and Spain


Nominated to an Award, at the David di Donatello Awards 2017 : Best New Director (Lorenzo Corvino)


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