If you listen carefully

If you listen carefully

Original title: Si escuchas atentamente
Production: Mimbre; Idea Films
Country: Chile
Director: Nicolás Guzmán
Script: Nicolás Guzmán
Photography: Patricio Alfaro
Music: Francisca Soto
Year: 2011
Duration: 60
Genre: Social documentary
Color: Color
Original language: Spanish
Languages available: Spanish
Subtitles: English


 In the middle of the complex educational crisis, four friends live their adolescence on the margins of the city. Towards the end of their basic education, a question is present: Do you think they will be happy in the future? The days pass, while their aspirations are ignored. They just have to wait for the classes to finish to go out and have fun with their friends, and face together the arrival of a destination they do not want.

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