The World of David the Gnome - 14. Foxy Dilemma

The World of David the Gnome - 14. Foxy Dilemma

Original title: David el Gnomo - 14. Un paseo accidentado
Production: BRB Internacional; Wang Film Productions Company
Country: Spain
Director: Luis Ballester
Script: Claudio Biern Boyd
Music: Javier Losada
Year: 1985
Duration: 23
Genre: Animation
Color: Color
Original language: Spanish
Languages available: Spanish, Italian


 The series for the children of those who went to E.G.B. David is a forest gnome who, thanks to his knowledge in medicinal plants, takes care of his companions and all the injured animals that ask for help. Together with his wife Lisa, he travels to all parts of the world to solve difficult medical cases. During their fantastic trips, David and Lisa must face dangers and difficulties such as the evil trolls, always willing to eat them, to fires, floods, droughts, cold, heat ... and sometimes even to human beings, but as Our dear protagonist says well: 'Nobody is better because they are bigger'.

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