The admiral was a lady

The admiral was a lady

Original title: The admiral was a lady
Production: Roxbury Productions Inc.
Country: United States
Director: Albert S. Rogell
Script: John O'Dea; Sidney Salkow
Photography: Stanley Cortez
Music: Edward J. Kay
Cast: Edmond O'Brien; Wanda Hendrix; Rudy Vallee; Johnny Sands
Year: 1950
Duration: 87
Genre: Comedy
Color: BW
Original language: English
Languages available: English; Spanish
Subtitles: Spanish
Keywords: romance


Wanda Hendrix plays a WAVE officer who is endlessly pursued by ex-airmen Edmond O'Brien, Johnny Sands, and Steve Brodie. However, Hendrix only has eyes for her boyfriend Dick Erdman, who is on the lam from vengeful millionaire Rudy Vallee.

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