No matter who I am, I still love you

No matter who I am, I still love you

Original title: Seré cualquier cosa, pero te quiero
Country: Argentina
Director: Carlos Galettini
Script: Sergio De Cecco; Luisa Irene Ickowicz
Photography: Juan Carlos Lenardi
Music: José Luis Castiñeira de Dios
Cast: Luis Brandoni; Dora Baret; Mabel Manzotti; Carlos Moreno; Alberto Busaid; Nené Malbrán; Aldo Piccione; Rubén Santagada; Micaela Brandoni; Celia Fortuna
Year: 1986
Duration: 89
Genre: Comedy
Color: Color
Original language: Spanish
Languages available: Spanish
Subtitles: Spanish
Keywords: romance, drama, dramatic comedy, comedia dramática


 A middle aged, shy woman, lives alone in a big house. She calls a plummer and a lively, young man appears. He flirts with the woman and gets to make love to her. What started as a game becomes a serious relationship.

Warning: This movie may contain nudity scenes. Viewer discretion is advised.

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