Juan que reía

Juan que reía

Original title: Juan que reía
Production: Producciones Enero S.r.l.
Country: Argentina
Director: Carlos Galettini
Script: Jorge Goldenberg; Oscar Viale
Photography: Félix Monti
Music: José Luis Castiñeira de Dios; Carlos Galettini
Cast: Luis Brandoni; Luisina Brando; Ana María Campoy; Federico Luppi; Tina Serrano; Dringue Farías; Ana María Giunta; Enrique Pinti; Catalina Speroni; Rudy Chernicoff; Carlos Moreno; Tono Andreu; Gianni Lunadei; Martha Roldán; Roberto Carnaghi; Cacho Espí
Year: 1976
Duration: 100
Genre: Comedy
Color: Color
Original language: Spanish
Languages available: Spanish
Subtitles: Spanish
Keywords: Drama


Juan is a normal boy who has a routine life, but happy. He is in love with his wife and happy with his job. But one day, the car he had bought with many sacrifice, is stolen. This is the inflexion point for the mental structure of Juan and his family to get unstable.

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