So there

So there

Original title: Alors voilà
Production: Gémini Films
Country: France
Director: Michel Piccoli
Script: Michel Piccoli; Thomas Cheysson
Photography: Laurent Machuel
Music: Arno
Cast: Roland Amstutz; Arno; Mickaël Bessière; Dominique Blanc; Bernard Bloch; Lauris Coucaud; Pascal Elso
Year: 1997
Duration: 97
Genre: Comedy
Color: Color
Original language: French
Languages available: French
Subtitles: English


 Constantin has three children. They live with their families in the same building, except Constantin, cruel patriarch, jester and hedonistic. He has his offspring under surveillance. With Rose, his only daughter, the result of another relationship, he share a complicity sheltered from the view of the others.


 Winner of the Filmcritica "Bastone Bianco" Award, at the Venice Film Festival 1997: Best Film

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