North of the great divide

North of the great divide

Original title: North of the great divide
Production: Republic Pictures
Country: United States
Director: William Witney
Script: Eric Taylor
Photography: Jack A. Marta
Music: R. Dale Butts; Stanley Wilson
Cast: Roy Rogers; Trigger; Penny Edwards; Gordon Jones
Year: 1950
Duration: 67
Genre: Western
Color: Color
Original language: English
Languages available: English; Spanish
Subtitles: Spanish
Keywords: american indian, indios americanos


 The annual return of the salmon each year gives the Indians of the Northwest enough food to last until the next year. This way of live is threatened by Banning who puts in a cannery on the river to harvest the fish for sale. With the Canadian cannery on the other side, the Indians find no fish in the river for them. But Banning wants all the fish for his business and he plans to burn the Canadian cannery and put the blame on Chief Nagora. But Indian Agent Roy knows that Nagora is being framed and starts looking for the people responsible with the help of his blood brother Dakota.

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