Cry blood, Apache

Cry blood, Apache

Original title: Cry blood, Apache
Production: Bronco Films; Liberty Entertainment Inc.
Country: United States
Director: Jack Starrett
Script: Sean MacGregor; Harold Roberts
Photography: Bruce Scott
Music: Elliot Kaplan
Cast: Joel McCrea; Jody McCrea; Dan Kemp; Robert Tessier
Year: 1970
Duration: 82
Genre: Western
Color: Color
Original language: English
Languages available: English; Spanish
Keywords: American indian, indios americanos


 A party of five men discover gold in a small Apache camp. They murder everyone there except for one young woman, who they keep alive hoping she'll lead them to more gold. Only Pitcalin among the five men shows kindness to the prisoner. An Apache brave who was away from the camp discovers the massacre and buries the dead. Then he tracks the murderers and brings slow but steady vengeance upon them.

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