The big old house

The big old house

Original title: El kaserón
Production: Cibeles Producciones; Galavis Film; Just Films
Country: Spain
Director: Pau Martínez
Script: Javier Domingo; Ferran Folch
Photography: Miguel Llorens
Music: Nacho Marco
Cast: Fele Martínez; Inma Cuesta; Ángel de Andrés López; Marc Rodríguez; Manuel Tallafé; Jordi Rico; Mercè Lleixà; Andrew Tarbet
Year: 2008
Duration: 97
Genre: Comedy
Color: Color
Original language: Spanish
Languages available: Spanish
Subtitles: Spanish


The local government of a large city wants to transform an abandoned house of his property, in a civic center. The problem is that such kaserón, is inhabited by a group of squatters who have never had the intention of leaving.
Alfredo, a novice lawyer of the council, has as first mission, begin negotiations to evict the building, or convince the current and annoying residents to get involved, collaborate and manage a project of civic center.

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