Stagecoach to Denver

Stagecoach to Denver

Original title: Stagecoach to Denver
Production: Republic Pictures
Country: United States
Director: R.G. Springsteen
Script: Earle Snell
Photography: Edgar Lyons
Music: Mort Glickman
Cast: Allan Lane; Robert Blake; Martha Wentworth; Roy Barcroft; Peggy Stewart; Emmett Lynn; Ted Adams; Edmund Cobb; Tom Chatterton; Robert Hyatt; George Chesebro; Ed Cassidy; Wheaton Chambers; Forrest Taylor
Year: 1946
Duration: 56
Genre: Western
Color: BW
Original language: English
Languages available: English
Subtitles: No


Lambert has the stagecoach wrecked killing the Commissioner so his phony replacement can alter Coonskin's land survey. When Red Ryder exposes the survey hoax, Lambert has his stooge Sheriff put Red in jail.

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