Ghosts on the loose

Ghosts on the loose

Original title: Ghosts on the loose
Production: Monogram Pictures
Country: United States
Director: Leo Gorcey
Script: Kenneth Higgins
Photography: Mack Stengler
Music: Edward J. Kay
Cast: Bela Lugosi; Ava Gardner; Huntz Hall; Leo Gorcey; Bobby Jordan
Year: 1943
Duration: 67
Genre: Comedy
Color: BW
Original language: English
Languages available: English; Spanish
Subtitles: Spanish
Keywords: horror, terror


 Glimpy's surprisingly beautiful sister is getting married to Jack, a young engineer, and moving to a 'bargain' suburban house neither has ever seen. During the honeymoon, the East Side Kids decide to fix up the house for the newlyweds...but mistakenly pick the 'haunted' house next door, which is occupied by some mysterious live men, dodging in and out of secret panels and clearly up to no good...

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