Las cuatro novias de Augusto Pérez

Las cuatro novias de Augusto Pérez

Original title: Las cuatro novias de Augusto Pérez
Production: NG Lourdes Martínez
Country: Spain
Director: José Jara
Script: José Jara
Photography: José Luis Alcaine
Music: Antonio Pérez Olea
Cast: Fernando Fernán Gómez; Charo López; Máximo Valverde; Norma Kerr; Carmen Martínez Sierra; Manuel Pereiro
Year: 1977
Duration: 79
Genre: Drama
Color: Color
Original language: Spanish
Languages available: Spanish
Subtitles: Spanish


Two years after the death of his mother, Augusto Perez falls in love with Eugenia, a bourgeoise who gives piano lessons to pay the mortgage hanging over the house that their parents have left. And while Eugenia loves the lazy Mauritius, decides to accept the marriage to Augustus and his generous donation to redeem the mortgaged house.

Based on the novel "Niebla" by Miguel de Unamuno.


Warning: This movie may contain nudity scenes and strong language. Viewer discretion is advised.

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