Girl from Valladolid

Girl from Valladolid

Original title: Una muchachita de Valladolid
Production: Día P.C.
Country: Spain
Director: Luis César Amadori
Script: Luis César Amadori
Photography: José F. Aguayo
Music: Cristóbal Halffter
Cast: Alberto Closas; Analía Gadé; Lina Rosales; Alfredo Mayo; José Luis López Vázquez; Vicky Lagos; Isabel Pallarés; Roberto Rey; Fernando Nogueras; Roberto Camardiel; Aníbal Vela
Year: 1958
Duration: 90
Genre: Comedy
Color: Color
Original language: Spanish
Languages available: Spanish
Subtitles: Spanish


Patricio Arnáiz, diplomatic and bachelor, works in a city of Northeastern Europe. It's Christmas and he is alone because his girlfriend prefers to have fun with another man. Patricio understands that he needs a loving woman to look after him, and thus he returns to Spain willing to find her. In a procession in Valladolid, he meets Mercedes, a pretty young girl.

Based on the play by Joaquín Calvo Sotelo.


Winner of a Sant Jordi Award 1959: Best Spanish Actor (Alberto Closas)


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