Sucka 4 Luv

Sucka 4 Luv

Original title: Sucka 4 Luv
Production: Pierre Films
Country: United States
Director: Patrick Pierre
Script: Patrick Pierre; Ashley Dunning; Samuel Mcknight
Photography: Hiu Kwong Yau
Cast: Will 'Spank' Horton; Xavia Omega; Victoria Stevens; Cary Hite; Dolores Hillgrube; Samuel Mcknight; Tyrone Miller; Kevin Moore; William Lewis; Erika Lynn
Year: 2013
Duration: 84
Genre: Comedy
Color: Color
Original language: English
Languages available: English
Subtitles: English
Keywords: Romance


Chris wants to marry his longtime girlfriend, Sharon. But Chris is a hothead, and Sharon won’t say yes until he learns to control his temper. Luckily, Sharon is a psychiatrist and promises to help: First she breaks up with Chris. Then she puts him into a 30-day anger-management boot camp, consisting of stressful situations designed to make Chris lose his cool. While in “training,” Chris gets to watch while Sharon goes out on dates with other men! If Chris can survive the month without exploding, Sharon promises to marry him. Trust, patience, temperance, and faith will be tested.

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