The Man With The Golden Arm

The Man With The Golden Arm

Original title: The Man With The Golden Arm
Country: United States
Director: Otto Preminger
Script: Walter Newman; Lewis Meltzer
Photography: Sam Leavitt
Music: Elmer Bernstein
Cast: Frank Sinatra; Kim Novak; Eleanor Parker; Arnold Stang
Year: 1955
Duration: 119
Genre: Thriller
Color: BW
Original language: English
Languages available: English; Spanish


 Frankie Machina, a criminal addicted to gambling and heroin, played superbly by Frank Sinatra, after spending a good season in prison, returns home to Chicago with his wife, Eleanor Parker, with the firm intention of leaving his past behind. criminal and recover from their addictions. But it will not be easy for him, since his old and undesirable friends will be waiting for him, who will try by all means, for him to return to his old habits.

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