Adventures of Gallant Bess

Adventures of Gallant Bess

Original title: Adventures of Gallant Bess
Production: Crestview Productions; Eagle-Lion Films
Country: United States
Director: Lew Landers
Script: Matthew Rapf
Photography: William Bradford
Music: Irving Gertz
Cast: Cameron Mitchell; Audrey Long; Gallant Bess; Fuzzy Knight
Year: 1948
Duration: 71
Genre: Western
Color: Color
Original language: English
Languages available: Spanish


 Ted Daniels, a ranch hand working for a rodeo, captures a magnificent wild horse that he tames and trains. As Ted is recovering from an accident that happened during a rodeo, the rodeo owner cheats him out of his horse. Ted must decide whether to pursue him and try to recover the horse, or whether to settle down with the doctor's daughter who is nursing him back to health.

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