Charlemagne. Chapter 2

Charlemagne. Chapter 2

Original title: Karl der Grosse
Production: Taglicht Media; Pre TV
Country: Germany
Director: Gabriele Wengler
Script: Robert Krause; Sandra Papadopoulos; Christoph Weber; Gabriele Wengler
Photography: Frank Van Vught
Music: Matthias Jahner; Andreas Schäfer
Cast: Alexander Wüst; Peter Matic; Alma Hasun; Thomas Morris; Lucas Englander
Year: 2013
Duration: 51
Genre: Historical
Color: Color
Original language: German
Languages available: German-English (mixed)
Subtitles: English (for German dialogs)


 This elaborate hybrid feature film / documentary series production recounts the dramatic, violent, bawdy and powerful life of Emperor Charlemagne. Also known as Charles the Great, Charlemagne carved out an empire that laid out the map for modern Europe. The film details his life as a political strategist, a passionate lover, a man that conquered most of Europe and a cultural visionary.

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