Kings from an enchanted Africa

Kings from an enchanted Africa

Original title: Reyes del África encantada
Production: Explora Films
Country: Spain
Director: José Manuel Novoa
Script: José Manuel Novoa
Year: 2007
Duration: 52
Genre: Anthropological documentary
Color: Color
Original language: Spanish
Languages available: English; Spanish
Subtitles: Spanish


 In this documentary of 52 minutes length, we will travel to an African region that looks like the scene of a fairytale. From the Coast of the Gold to the Coast of the Slaves and up North, to the Saharan region of the Double V in the Niger River; we will enter in the court of kings that still fight to maintain the rules of local law. Some keeps a real power, as the King of the Ashanti in Ghana, while others have become guides for the community. But in any case, all are respected because they are the religious leaders and are considered as the speakers of the beyond, those who are closer to the spirits.

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