Titanes en el ring

Titanes en el ring

Original title: Titanes en el ring
Production: Producciones Cinematográficas 70
Country: Argentina
Director: Leo Fleider
Script: Leo Fleider
Photography: Ricardo Younis
Music: Vlady
Cast: Martín Karadagián; Ovidio Fuentes; Gloria Raines; Taras Bulba; Primo Carnera; Floreal Gómez; Rubén Peucelle
Year: 1973
Duration: 80
Genre: Comedy
Color: Color
Original language: Spanish
Languages available: Spanish
Subtitles: Spanish
Keywords: Family cinema, cine familiar, adventures, aventuras, crime, crimen


A boy and a girl are introduced to Martín Karadagian, and they become friends. Sometime after, their father is kidnapped. The boy follows the criminal, discover where they are hiding, and he asks for help to the fighters.

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