La morocha

La morocha

Original title: La morocha
Production: Artistas Argentinos Asociados (AAA)
Country: Argentina
Director: Ralph Pappier
Script: Carlos A. Olivari; Sixto Pondal Ríos
Photography: Francis Boeniger
Music: Tito Ribero
Cast: Tita Merello; Alfredo Alcón; Luis Arata
Year: 1958
Duration: 94
Genre: Drama
Color: Color
Original language: Spanish
Languages available: Spanish
Subtitles: Spanish
Keywords: Crime, crimen


A prostitute pursued by the police, receives the interested "protection" of a miserly shopkeeper. She hides one night at his home, and she meets his nephew, a sensitive young man who wants to be musician. As he has confrontations with his uncle, she helps him so he can study.

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