The brain from planet Arous

The brain from planet Arous

Original title: The brain from planet Arous
Production: Marquette Productions Ltd.
Country: United States
Director: Nathan Juran
Script: Ray Buffum
Photography: Jacques R. Marquette
Music: Walter Greene
Cast: John Agar; Joyce Meadows; Robert Fuller; Thomas Browne Henry; Ken Terrell; Henry Travis; E. Leslie Thomas; Tim Graham; Bill Giorgio
Year: 1957
Duration: 72
Genre: Science fiction
Color: BW
Original language: English
Languages available: English
Subtitles: No
Keywords: Horror, terror, aliens, extraterrestres


 A powerful criminal brain from the planet Arous, Gor, assumes the body of scientist Steve March. Thru March he begins to control the world by threatening destruction to any country challenging his domination. Another brain, Val, possesses Steve's dog body, to defeat Gor.

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