Neath the Arizona skies

Neath the Arizona skies

Original title: Neath the Arizona skies
Production: Paul Malvern Productions
Country: United States
Director: Harry L. Fraser
Script: Burl R. Tuttle
Photography: Archie Stout
Music: Billy Barber
Cast: John Wayne; Sheila Terry; Shirley Jean Rickert; Jack Rockwell; Yakima Canutt; Harry L. Fraser; Jay Wilsey; Philip Kieffer
Year: 1934
Duration: 52
Genre: Western
Color: BW
Original language: English
Languages available: English
Subtitles: No


 A half-Indian girl becomes the owner of some land where there is oil. Chris Morrell (John Wayne), cowboy and the girl's stepfather, helps her to find her real father, who is missing. She will earn $ 50,000 for the land that has been expropriated by the government, whether there is evidence of her father as if there is none. The villain Sam Black try to prevent it.

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