Las apariencias engañan

Las apariencias engañan

Original title: Las apariencias engañan
Production: Diafragma PC
Country: Spain
Director: Carles Balagué
Script: Carles Balagué
Photography: Josep Gusi
Music: Emilio Baleriola
Cast: Amparo Larrañaga; Marisol Galdón; Miguel Calzada (Mikimoto); Amparo Soler Leal; Marta Angelat; Pedro Díez del Corral; Carles Velat; Jordi Bas; Manuel de Blas; Jordi Dauder; Alicia Yagüe; José María Cañete; Mercè Espelleta; Nadala Batiste; Mercè S
Year: 1991
Duration: 90
Genre: Drama
Color: Color
Original language: Spanish
Languages available: Spanish
Subtitles: Spanish


After having broken up with her latest lover, Laura decides to stop working temporarily on the courts to take a trip to Morocco with a friend. There, Laura falls in love with an Arab guy who plays in an orchestra. Upon her return, she tries to relate romantically to several men: she meets a "yuppie" with sexual problems, a masochistic criminal, and Paul, obsessive sexual and husband of her best friend, until she meets a new judge.

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