La malquerida

La malquerida

Original title: La malquerida
Production: Ufilms S.A.
Country: Spain
Director: José López Rubio
Script: José López Rubio
Photography: Theodore J. Pahle
Music: Jesús Guridi
Cast: Antonio Armet; Társila Criado; Pedro Fernández Cuenca; Manolo Morán; Carlos Muñoz; Julio Peña; Rafaela Rodríguez; Luchy Soto; Jesús Tordesillas
Year: 1939
Duration: 94
Genre: Drama
Color: BW
Original language: Spanish
Languages available: Spanish
Subtitles: Spanish


Into Hacienda El Soto live Doña Raimunda and her daughter, Acacia. When Raimunda is widowed, she gets married to Esteban, who is publicly rejected by Acacia. Raimunda lives without knowing that, actually, a deep love has aroused between Acacia and Esteban, which both hide behind a mask of hostility. The worst comes when Esteban begins to get rid of all the men around Acacia, who is started to be called La Malquerida.
Based on the play by Jacinto Benavente.



 Winner of the Prize of the National Syndicate of Spectacle 1941: Best Actor (Jesús Tordesillas)

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