Bia Recuate: donde vive la gente

Bia Recuate: donde vive la gente

Original title: Bia Recuate: donde vive la gente
Production: CEFREC; CAIB
Country: Bolivia
Director: Rubali Mariscal; Marilin Zubieta
Year: 2012
Duration: 15
Genre: Anthropological documentary
Color: Color
Original language: Spanish
Languages available: Spanish
Subtitles: Spanish


 The Yuqui indigenous people live on the banks of the Chimoré River and once they were nomads, they have never been farmers, they were collecting fruit, hunting, fishing and did not suffer from any disease, they are currently sowing a little, they are still collecting fruits, they keep hunting and fishing. The Yucatec Indians are about to disappear, the few that remain die from tuberculosis or some other disease brought from outside and a significant number of indigenous people were killed by people outside their territory.

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