Irremediablemente juntos

Irremediablemente juntos

Original title: Irremediablemente juntos
Production: ICAIC; Artex; VM BROADCAST
Country: Cuba
Director: Jorge Luis Sánchez
Script: Jorge Luis Sánchez
Photography: José Manuel Riera
Music: Juan Manuel Ceruto
Cast: Ariadna Nuñez; Alfredo Reyes; Orian Suarez; Blanca Rosa Blanco; Wilfredo Candeba
Year: 2012
Duration: 120
Genre: Romance
Color: Color
Original language: Spanish
Languages available: Spanish
Subtitles: English


 The love of Liz and Alexander faces the rejection of their respective parents and grandparents. The pressures will make them abandon their studies and propose a life in common. Thirty years later, with children and grandchildren, they will bring flowers to the grave where both families rest, already irremediably together.

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