Weaving our paths

Weaving our paths

Original title: Tecendo nossos caminhos
Country: Brazil
Director: Marta Tipuici; Cledson Kanunxi; Jackson Xinunxi
Year: 2019
Duration: 5
Genre: Social documentary
Color: Color
Original language: Portuguese
Languages available: Portuguese-Manoki
Subtitles: Spanish; English; Portuguese


 Only six elders of the Manoki population in the Brazilian Amazon still speak the indigenous language, an imminent risk of losing this important dimension of their modes of existence. Decided to resume their language with the older ones, the younger ones decide to narrate their challenges and desires in images and words. From the analogy with the fragility of cotton that turns into a strong thread to support the heavy net, Marta Tipuici talks about the resistance of her people, her relationship with her grandmother and the hope of speaking her language again in the new generations.


 Selected at 3rd Annual Lumbee Film Festival, EUA (2020)

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