Bolivia Siglo XX. Walter Guevara: La razon o el pragmatismo

Bolivia Siglo XX. Walter Guevara: La razon o el pragmatismo

Original title: Bolivia Siglo XX. Walter Guevara: La razon o el pragmatismo
Country: Bolivia
Director: Carlos Mesa
Year: 2009
Duration: 60
Genre: Historic documentary
Color: Color
Original language: Spanish
Languages available: Spanish


Walter Guevara: La Razón or Pragmatismo, one of the leaders of the 1952 revolution, Wálter Guevara was the intellectual and the most moderate of all Author of the so-called Ayopaya thesis, ideological pillar of the Revolution. After his break with the MNR and his contribution to the 1964 coup, he had to star in a brief presidency in 1979 with a heroic performance facing the bloody Todos Santos coup.

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