The Flags of Dawn

The Flags of Dawn

Original title: Las banderas del amanecer
Production: Ukamau Group
Country: Bolivia
Director: Jorge Sanjinés
Script: Jorge Sanjinés
Photography: Jorge Sanjinés; Eduardo López
Music: Marcelino Quispe
Year: 1982
Duration: 76
Genre: Historic documentary
Color: Color
Original language: Spanish
Languages available: Quechua-Spanish
Subtitles: Spanish
Keywords: Bolivia


 Documentary about the popular struggle that made possible the recovery of the democratic process in Bolivia, interrupted by the military coup of Colonel Natusch in 1979 and the assault on power by General García Mesa just one year later.
Accompanying the events, without interpretation or analysis, the film shows the high degree of social and political awareness of the Bolivian people,


 Gran Coral - V Festival Internacional del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano (Havana, Cuba, 1983)

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