I get off at the next stop, what about you?

I get off at the next stop, what about you?

Original title: Yo me bajo en la próxima, ¿y usted?
Production: Ion Films; Sociedad General de Televisión (Sogetel)
Country: Spain
Director: José Sacristán
Script: Adolfo Marsillach
Photography: Juan Amorós
Music: Mariano Díaz
Cast: Concha Velasco; José Sacristán; Tina Sáinz; Ana Álvarez; Juan Jesús Valverde; María Isbert; Isabel Prinz
Year: 1992
Duration: 98
Genre: Comedy
Color: Color
Original language: Spanish
Languages available: Spanish
Subtitles: Spanish


 Concha, an advertising creative, and Pepe, head of the advertising department, found themselves without car for different reasons. A coincidence would make them meet after 17 years of separation.


Warning: This movie may contain strong language. Viewer discretion is advised.


 Nominated to a Goya Award 1993: Best Screenplay - Adapted (Adolfo Marsillach)

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