The Great St. Louis Bank Robbery

The Great St. Louis Bank Robbery

Original title: The Great St. Louis Bank Robbery
Production: Guggenheim Associates; Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS)
Country: United States
Director: Charles Guggenheim; John Stix
Script: Richard Heffron
Photography: Victor Duncan
Music: Bernardo Segall
Cast: Steve McQueen; Crahan Denton; David Clarke; James Dukas
Year: 1959
Duration: 89
Genre: Crime
Color: BW
Original language: English
Languages available: English; Spanish
Subtitles: Spanish
Keywords: robos, atracos, robberies, vols, basado en hechos reales, based on a true story, basé sur des faits réels


 George Fowler is drawn into a gang planning to rob a bank in St. Louis that they expect will have a $100,000 on hand on an upcoming Friday. George is drawn into the plan as the gang's driver by Gino, an old girlfriend's older brother. As the gang goes about its planning, George and Gino have to find a way to live for the next two weeks and they turn to Gino's sister, Ann, for help. George is hoping to go back to college and the money he would make would go a long way to helping him do that. Not trusting George to keep his nerve, the gang's leader John Egan moves him to the inside, but the robbery doesn't go off as planned.

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