The lame pigeon

The lame pigeon

Original title: El palomo cojo
Production: Lotus Films
Country: Spain
Director: Jaime de Armiñán
Script: Jaime de Armiñán
Photography: Fernando Arribas
Music: Jesús Yanes
Cast: María Barranco; Francisco Rabal; Carmen Maura; Joaquín Kremel; Valeriano Andrés; Amparo Baró; María Massip; María Galiana; Tomás Zori; Asunción Balaguer; Ana Torrent; Miguel Ángel Muñoz; Concha Rabal
Year: 1995
Duration: 114
Genre: Comedy
Color: Color
Original language: Spanish
Languages available: Spanish
Subtitles: Spanish


A ten years old child, sick, comes to his grandparents house for a summer. The visitors and neighbours will make his stay very amusing.

Based on the novel by Eduardo Mendicutti.


Nominated to a Goya Award 1996: Best Screenplay - Adapted (Jaime de Armiñán)

Nominated to a Golden Seashell, at San Sebastián International Film Festival 1995

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