Guess who's coming to lunch tomorrow

Guess who's coming to lunch tomorrow

Original title: Adivina quién viene a comer mañana
Production: Pixel Films; Prosopopeya; Nephilim
Country: Spain
Director: Pepe Jordana
Script: Pepe Jordana
Photography: Alberto Díaz
Music: Dario Eskenazi
Cast: Chete Lera; María Castro; Jorge Bosch; Óscar Hernández
Year: 2012
Duration: 30
Genre: Comedy
Color: Color
Original language: Spanish
Languages available: Spanish
Subtitles: English


A young and beautiful veterinarian, who’s an only child of a modest shepherd, goes back to a remote small village in Galicia (Spain) to tell her father she’s going to marry a prestigious neurologist. She wants to organize a meal the following day so that everybody meets him, but her father, motivated both by jealousy and ignorance, confuses neurology with black magic and decides to stop the wedding. With some neighbor’s help, he’ll try to ruin her daughter’s plan.

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