Difficult loves

Difficult loves

Original title: Los amores difíciles
Production: Doxa Producciones
Country: Spain
Director: Lucina Gil
Script: Lucina Gil
Music: Eduardo Rodríguez del Val
Year: 2011
Duration: 63
Genre: Social documentary
Color: Color
Original language: Spanish
Languages available: Spanish-English (mixed)
Subtitles: Spanish (for English dialogs) and English (for Spanish dialogs)


This film wants to be the portrait of some impossible love stories through the summer time. The protagonists have different ages, religions, nationalities and backgrounds, but there is something they have in common: all of them have decided to live their loves despite everything. We do not know if these stories will have a happy ending or not. All we know is that all of them will have been worth living, as this might be the only thing giving a meaning to life: with the heart exposed in the hands and this sharp, golden thorn nailed in.


Winner of the Remi Award of Bronze at the WorldFest - Houston International Independent Festival, 2012

Winner of the Jury Award at the Film Festival Bajo la Luna, Islantilla, España 2012

Winner of the Best Documentary at the ASECAN Awards (Association of Film Writers from Andalucia) 2012

Special Mention at the Rincon International Film Festival, Puerto Rico 2012

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