Inside Paris

Inside Paris

Original title: Dans Paris
Production: Gemini Films; Clap Filmes
Country: France
Director: Christophe Honoré
Script: Christophe Honoré
Photography: Jean-Louis Vialard
Music: Alex Beaupain
Cast: Romain Duris; Louis Garrel; Joana Preiss; Guy Marchand; Marie-France Pisier; Alice Butaud
Year: 2006
Duration: 92
Genre: Drama
Color: Color
Original language: French
Languages available: French
Subtitles: Spanish; English; French


Inside Paris follows the romantic adventures of two brothers. It's also the portrait of a family whose motto could be "Take the time to ignore the sadness of those closest to you”.

Co-production between France and Portugal.

Warning: This movie may contain nudity scenes. Viewer discretion is advised.


Nominated to an Award, at César Awards, France 2007 : Best supporting actor (Guy Marchand)


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