His Girl Friday

His Girl Friday

Original title: His Girl Friday
Production: Columbia Pictures
Country: United States
Director: Howard Hawks
Script: Charles Lederer
Photography: Joseph Walker
Music: Sidney Cutner; Felix Mills
Cast: Cary Grant; Rosalind Russell; Ralph Bellamy; Gene Lockhart
Year: 1940
Duration: 92
Genre: Comedy
Color: BW
Original language: English
Languages available: English; Spanish
Subtitles: Spanish
Keywords: romance


Wonderful and hilarious comedy by Howard Hawks, where Rosalind Russell plays Hildy Johnson, one of the best journalists of the main Chicago newspaper and ex-wife of Walter Burns (magnificent Cary Grant), editor of the aforementioned newspaper, who informs him that she is going to get married the next day with a young insurance salesman, and abandon his profession to pursue a home life. Faced with the possibility of losing both her beloved and her best reporter, Walter will try by all means to avoid it, through tricks such as involving her in the coverage of a last report.



 Winner - National Film Registry (1993)

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