How it all began

How it all began

Original title: How it all began
Production: The Healing Tao Society; Way of the Arrow Media
Country: United States
Director: Jamee Culbertson; Karin Sörvik
Year: 2013
Duration: 93
Genre: Health documentary
Color: Color
Original language: English
Languages available: English
Subtitles: English


At a time in history when Yoga was practiced in basements and Martial Arts was found only in the movies, Taoist Internal Alchemy was not accessible to the western world. This was the time when Master Mantak Chia came to America with a dream to share Taoist Wisdom.

Early seekers of the Tao found him in a small office in Chinatown, New York City and the Healing Tao system was born and became the bridge between East and West. We traveled the world to interview Master Chia and many others.

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