De Madrid a la luna

De Madrid a la luna

Original title: De Madrid a la lluna
Production: Diafragma P.C.; Els Quatre Gats Audiovisuals S.L.; P.G. Production Services; Sagrera TV
Country: Spain
Director: Carles Balagué
Script: Carles Balagué; José Antonio Pérez Giner
Photography: Carles Gusi
Year: 2006
Duration: 88
Genre: Historic documentary
Color: Color
Original language: Spanish
Languages available: Spanish
Subtitles: Spanish


 Chronicle of the Happy 60s, "which were not so happy". The film begins with the arrival of Eisenhower to Madrid and ends with the arrival of the Americans to the Moon. Journalists, historians and people who lived at the time, along with a selected footage, are part of the film.

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